Hubbard model

In the 1D electron system, the striking feature is the charge-spin separation, which is the characteristic feature of non-Fermi liquids. Here we introduce a very important 1D lattice model with short-range repulsive force – Hubbard model, and discuss the charge-spin separation feature. With discrete lattice sites, the the 1D continuous Hamiltonian can be written as a tight-binding model:

\[H_0=-\sum_{l,l',\sigma} t_{l,l'}c^{\dagger}_{l\sigma}c_{l'\sigma}-\mu\sum_{l,\sigma}c^{\dagger}_{l\sigma}c_{l\sigma},\]

where $l$ is the lattice site, $\sigma$ is the degree of freedom of spin. We can simplify $t_{l,l’}$ as $t$. For the single lattice site per unit cell, on can obtain the single band as:

\[H_0=\sum_{k,\sigma} \left(-2t\cos(ak)-\mu \right) c^{\dagger}_{k,\sigma}c_{k,\sigma},\]

where $a$ is the lattice constant of 1D model. The fundamental Hamiltonian describing the interaction electrons is:

\[H_{int}=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{\sigma,\sigma'}\int dxdx' \psi^{\dagger}_{\sigma}(x)\psi^{\dagger}_{\sigma'}(x')\frac{e^2}{\lvert x-x' \rvert}\psi_{\sigma'}(x')\psi_{\sigma}(x).\]

In the lattice system, we can simplify the above interacting Hamiltonian by only considering on-site Coulomb repulsion, we can have:


where \(n_{l\sigma}=c^{\dagger}_{l\sigma}c_{l\sigma}\) is the electron number operator in site \(l\), and \(U\) is the interaction strength between on-site electrons. The so-called Hubbard model can be written as:

\[H=H_0+H_U =-t\sum_{l,l',\sigma}c^{\dagger}_{l\sigma}c_{l'\sigma}-\mu\sum_{l,\sigma}c^{\dagger}_{l\sigma}c_{l\sigma}+U\sum_{l}n_{l\uparrow}n_{l\downarrow}.\]

The competition between $H_0$ and $H_U$ is the basic physics picture of the Hubbard model. The kinetic term delocalizes the electron, while the Hubbard term contributes the electron localization. We define the spin density

\[j^s_0(x)=\sum_{\sigma}\sigma j_{0,\sigma}(x)=j_{0,\uparrow}(x)-j_{0,\downarrow}(x),\]

and the spin current density

\[j^s_1(x)=\sum_{\sigma}\sigma j_{1,\sigma}(x)=j_{1,\uparrow}(x)-j_{1,\downarrow}(x).\]

Using the Kac-Moody algebra, we obtain the commutation relation between $j^s_0(x)$ and $j^s_1(x)$:

\[[j^s_0(x),j^s_1(x')]=-\frac{2i}{\pi}\partial_x \delta(x-x')\]

Let’s consider about the following commutation relations:

\[[\rho_{R}(p),H_0]=2t p \rho_R(p),\qquad [\rho_{L}(p),H_0]=-2t p \rho_L(p),\]

where $t$ is the hopping parameter. That means we can effectively write the $H_0$ as the form:

\[\tilde{H}_0=4\pi t \sum_{p>0,\sigma}(\rho_{R,\sigma}(-p)\rho_{R,\sigma}(p)+\rho_{L,\sigma}(p)\rho_{L,\sigma}(-p)),\]

so that the commutation relations can be retained. And this equals:

\[\tilde{H}_0=\frac{\pi t}{2} \int dx \left[ (j^c_0(x))^2+(j^c_1(x))^2+(j^s_0(x))^2+(j^s_1(x))^2 \right].\]

For the interacting term $H_U$, we have:

\[H_U=U\sum_{l}n_{l\uparrow}n_{l\downarrow}=\frac{U}{4} \sum_{l}\left[(n_{l\uparrow}+n_{l\downarrow})^2-(n_{l\uparrow}-n_{l\downarrow})^2 \right],\]

where $n_{l\uparrow}+n_{l\downarrow}$ is $j_0(l)$, the charge density at site $l$, and $n_{l\uparrow}-n_{l\downarrow}$ is $j^s_0(l)$, the spin density at site $l$. The Hubbard term can be rewritten as:

\[H_U=\frac{U}{4}\int dx \left[(j^c_0(x))^2-(j^s_0(x))^2\right].\]

Spin-charge seperation

Thus, we can rewrite the interacting Hamiltonian as:


where the Hamiltonian of charge excitation sector

\[H_{charge}=\int dx \left[\left(\frac{\pi t}{2}+\frac{U}{4}\right)(j^c_0(x))^2+\frac{\pi t}{2}(j^c_1(x))^2\right],\]


\[H_{spin}=\int dx \left[\left(\frac{\pi t}{2}-\frac{U}{4}\right)(j^s_0(x))^2+\frac{\pi t}{2}(j^s_1(x))^2\right].\]

Similarly, we introduce the auxiliary Bose field for spin sector, which has the relations:

\[j^s_0(x)=\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}\partial_x \phi_s(x),\]



We can rearrange the Hamiltonian with only the Bose fields as:

\[H_{charge}=v_c\int dx \left[K_c(\partial_x\phi_c(x))^2+\frac{1}{K_c}(\Pi_c(x))^2\right],\]

where \(v_c=\sqrt{t\left(t+\frac{U}{2\pi}\right)}\) is the velocity of charge excitation, and \(K_c=\sqrt{\frac{t+U/2\pi}{t}}\) is the stiffness.

For the spin excitation part, we have:

\[H_{spin}=v_s\int dx \left[K_s(\partial_x\phi_s(x))^2+\frac{1}{K_s}(\Pi_s(x))^2\right],\]

with \(v_s=\sqrt{t\left(t-\frac{U}{2\pi}\right)}\), and \(K_s=\sqrt{\frac{t-U/2\pi}{t}}\).

One can see the spin and charge excitations have different velocities, which reveals that the two basic excited modes follow the different equations of motion.

Quantum Hall edge and effective theory